最新活動 - 2016年1月10日-1月24日香港佛慈慈善基金與香港創古密宗佛教中心 合辦尼泊爾地震支援贈醫施藥

2016年1月10日至2016年1月24日 香港佛慈慈善基金有限公司、尼泊爾創古寺、香港創古密宗佛教中心 合辦尼泊爾地震支援贈醫施藥。 藏醫醫療隊來自印度智慧林八蚌佛教大學及達蘭薩拉醫療中心,參與者來自噶舉派不同佛寺。在尼泊爾2星期中,第1、2天佛慈主席盧棟權醫生及盧小姐教授中醫自療法如拍打法、站椿法、拔罐法、砭石法及橫隔膜呼吸法等,希望通過中醫教學,與藏醫們醫學交流,災民們及僧人們在沒藥物的情況下,能為自己及家人冶病。其後醫療隊在加德滿都,及重災區 Sindhupalchowk 及 Bhaktapur 診義,為約1200病人治病,病人們很高興能拿到藏藥。

2016/1/10 - 2016/1/24 Joint Venture of Hong Kong Buddhist Compassion Charity Foundation Ltd., Thrangu Monastery, Nepal, and Hong Kong Thrangu Centre for Free Medical Camps in affected areas in Nepal after Earthquake. Medical team comes from volunteers of Sherabling Palpung University for Buddhist Sciences and Dharamsala Medical Centre, participants from different Kargyupa monasteries. On the first 2 days of the 2 weeks , Dr. Lo , Chairman of the Hong Kong Buddhist Compassion Charity Foundation Ltd. and Miss Lo gave teaching on self - healing methods through Chinese medical methods and Diaphragmatical Breathing , aiming that the people and monks can cure themselves and family without the use of medicine. Afterwards, the medical team visited Kathmandu, Sindhupalchowk and Bhaktapur. They have attended about 1200 patients, and people are very happy with Tibetan medicine.

隨喜醫療隊在沒有燃油、缺少食物、住食條件很差、不畏懼傳染病疫症、無懼山區高冷氣溫、艱辛等環境下仍堅持此行程。是需要很大的愛心! 在尼泊爾人民最困難、最需要幫忙的時候伸出援手,這力量及善業不可思議,祝各位參與這次贈醫施藥的工作者及功德主及他們的家人身體健康、遠離病苦!及願以這善業的功德迴向尼泊爾人民早日脫離苦難、重見天日,及一切眾生離苦得樂,了脫生死、同生極樂!

Rejoice the whole medical team of great compassion and love, not fearing hardship , unfavourable living condition, or any inflicted diseases. Disregard of cold and windy weather at mountainous region. We appreciate their great love and compassion. Rendering a helping hand at the most difficult time when the Nepalnese are most desperate, rejoice to all the participants and sponsors. Wish them and their family healthy and away from suffering of diseases. May the merits of this free medical camp dedicate to all Nepalese that they can recover from all kinds of suffferings soon, and dedicate to all the sentient beings that all can be freed from Samsara.